Finally, some time to update. Here’s most of what’s going on around here: yesterday was the Putnam, which I completely messed up. I’m optimistically looking at a 12 here (last year, I got an 18). Ouch. I turned in 4 problems, and I messed up 3 of them.

Last night we went hot-tubbing at Robert’s house, which was a really great way to relax after a crappy morning/afternoon of screwing up math.

Friday night, I went to a We Are Scientists concert at Scripps. They’re pretty great! This concert was much better than the last one I went to. However, I’ve noticed that their newer music has a different feel than their older stuff – they now write songs about much more mainstream topics like drinking and stuff. To the best of my knowledge, none of their new songs have that original, sciency feel to them. Perhaps they’re trying to appeal to a more general crowd? I dunno, but I kinda liked their older stuff more. I’ll have to listen to the new CD again, and see if that’s just the initial shock of a different style.

Thanksgiving break was great. Rachel, Shannon, Amanda and I went to northern California, and we dropped Shannon off at Lodi. The three of us spent a night at Rachel’s grandparents’ house in Sacramento, which was a lot of fun because they’re really neat people. The next day, Amanda and I went to her aunt and uncle’s house for Thanksgiving, which again was full of good people and great food. We spent the rest of the weekend at Amanda’s house in Livermore. She has some pretty neat friends, and we went bowling one night. We got to see my dad’s roommate from grad school, who also lives in Livermore. Amazingly, Amanda knew them too! Saturday night we spent at Rachel’s grandparent’s house again, and then we came back. All in all, it was a fun trip.

Unfortunately, I haven’t really been paying much attention to world news lately, so I’m not sure I can offer much there.
Soldiers are finally starting to challenge the stop-loss act, which is wonderful news, since it is a horrible law. I hope something actually comes out of this, and it isn’t the symbolic protest that it has the potential to be.

Hopefully, I’ll have more time to update this after this coming week, since I won’t have as much work after then.

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