More News…
Wow! All of a sudden, there seems to be much more news in the world! Here’s a few parts I found interesting:
Not only is the Bush administration being criticized for human rights violations, but other countries are justifying their own human rights problems by pointing to ours. Sort of a “my older brother smokes, so it’s OK if I do, too” kind of thing, I suppose. A very dangerous precedent, I daresay.
On a happier note, however, the courts have finally ruled that it is unconstitutional to require stickers in biology books saying that evolution is only a theory. Huzzah! Yes, it is only a theory. But so is atomic theory, or the theory of relativity, or electromagnetism theory, or microeconomics (from what I can gather, macroeconomics is closer to “wild speculation” than an actual “theory,” but I’d be happy to learn more if anyone wants to dispute this). However, no one seems to mind that these are often taught as facts, rather than the theories that they are. So… yeah. Those creationist bastards are still not allowed to break down the separation of church and state.
Finally, the Huygens probe has landed on Titan (well, it hasn’t yet, but by the time anyone reads this, it’ll be there). I don’t expect anything remarkable to come from this, but it’s still pretty neat.