OK, time for an update. This past Saturday (a week ago, I mean), Andrew and I went to the Los Angeles regional bridge tournament. We had a frustrating game – I thought we did pretty well, and managed a pretty good 45%. However, this put us in last place, even though we were in a stratified 299ers game. The 1st place team only had a 56% game, so competition was pretty tight. Hm…
On the computer front, several weeks ago, I updated something, and my sound card stopped working. Yesterday, I had some free time, so what’s the first thing I think of? “I’m gonna start learning Esperanto.” Yeah, that’s right. It sounds ridiculous, but I’ve actually been meaning to do this for a couple years. I check the portage tree, and find that Gentoo has a Teach-Yourself-Esperanto program that you can install. It even pronounces the words out loud! However, I decided that if I was going to do this, I should get the sound to work first. Well, I spent last right rebuilding my kernel, and didn’t get it to work. I also spent much of this evening working on it. I even managed to get several kernels to fail their CRCs (cyclical redundancy checks make sure that the code is consistent with itself). Hm… However, after about 10 rebuilds and a whole bunch of messing around with stuff and remerging, I got it to play. Now everything seems to be working fine, and I am listening to XMMS right now! Whee!
Robert’s sister and her friend are spending the night, and tomorrow they’re going to some program about women attending Mudd (they’re both starting to look at colleges about now).
And that’s it for a while. I was gonna go start learning Esperanto, but I think I’m gonna go do something else for a while instead.