All in all, a good day
This afternoon was the Human Symphony (the big a cappella concert of the semester), and I got to hear groups from Caltech and USC, as well as the regular 5C’s groups. I’d list the groups that were excellent, but it would be far quicker to list the groups that were not. That’s mean, though, so let’s just say that, with 2 or so exceptions, it was a wonderful afternoon.
Yesterday in robotics, I was introduced to Animusic, and today I found the whole thing on the network. I must say, if you get a chance to watch this, it’s incredible. And Animusic 2 is apparently coming out next semester, which should be pretty cool. Speaking of things on the network, I now have copys of Eddie Izzard’s “Sexie” and “Circle,” neither of which I had seen before. Kenny walked in to see me watching a Brittish transvestite, and got a little weirded out. Oh, well. He’ll figure out how hilarious he is later.
Then, this evening, Kenny got an IM from Elisa to the effect of “invite people over; Kevin and I are bringing alcohol.” So we had a very impromptu fete in the suite. Much fun was had by all. Except for Kenny, Steve, and Kevin, it was all people from next year’s Topless L, and it would be awesome if we did this on a weekly basis next year.
Let’s see… oh! Lauren called tonight! She’s doing well, working at B&N full time now, and is hopefully visiting either this week or next week. It’ll be great to see her again, since she hasn’t visited in roughly a year. I also IMed a couple people from home that I haven’t talked to in a long time, and it was good to hear from them too.
The workload tomorrow is going to suck, but this has been a great day.
Weekly hell, I plan nightly.
Well … I just wanted to tell you that I caved and now have a livejournal. No more of this “I forget that you are on xanga” stuff. :)