Longest. Tour. Ever…

So, today, I’m giving a tour of Mudd with Tia. One of the prospective students mentioned he was interested in Engineering, so we go up to Engineering, and get Prof. Wang to give a little spiel about the department. Here’s roughly what happened:

Prof Wang: … at that, in a nutshell, is the Engineering department.
me: Thanks very much Prof. Wang. Tia, do you want to take over the tour for a bit?
Tia: Sure. If you’ll follow me this way, we’ll go see the Math department. The math department has-
Prof King: Is this a tour? Great! I will spend the next half hour showing you all of my different clinic projects!

On the bright side, I got to go into 4 rooms I’ve never been in before, and I got to see some really neat stuff (and so did the tour). On the other hand, we had to rush through the rest of everything (at that point, we had only seen engineering and humanities), and we still ended 20min late. About half the tour left early, but it worked out anyway. Kinda.

On an unrelated note, Deren Finks’ retirement party was today. It’s really too bad that he’s going, but his health comes before his job. He hopes to visit often, though, so that should work out.

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