Progress, slowly but surely

The California Senate and Assembly have both passed a bill legalizing gay and lesbian marriage. Our illustrious governator is expected to veto it, but it’s hard to say – passing the bill would alienate him from his conservative Republican base, but I’m not convinced he really wants a career in politics. Vetoing the bill would alienate many gay people who hold power in the movie-making business, which I kinda think is “more” his base. Either way, he’s between a rock and a hard place. We’ll see what happens.

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  1. envirobitch says:


    many important film folk are hard-core socially conservative, too; furthermore straddling party lines is v. difficult and straddling them on the extreme issues is highly unlikely.

    I doubt. Sincerely.

    I don’t think he’s in any sort of quandary at all.

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