Apartment update

OK. Despite the overwhelming amount of stuff I still need to find homes for, I really like my new apartment. It is by far the nicest/biggest one I looked at, and I think it would be a good deal if I were renting it for $100/mo more than I am. People should stop on by sometime and hang out.

My apartment building is the one in the center, the leftmost of the two with long skinny courtyards in the middle. I’m in the northernmost corner of the building, with a balcony that looks out onto the alley.

On a related note, IKEA is absolutely amazing. Last week, the only furniture I owned was a bookshelf, a lamp, and a chair. I now have a fully furnished apartment, and most of the furniture even matches! It’s pretty sweet.

Everyone here seems quite friendly, though I haven’t met many people yet. Oddly enough, about half the tenants in this building seem to have names that begin with J (I’ve met Joanne, Jacky, Jay, Julie, J’nai, Noor, Niko, Belaji, Gary, Beatrice, Susan, and Kathleen. I’m not sure how many other people live here).

Santa Monica is beautiful and sunny most of the time, which is pretty cool. I’m also within walking distance of a bunch of stores and restaurants and the bank. It’s a wonderful apartment in a lovely place. I really can’t ask for more.

Later today, I will hopefully have a summary of DEFCON, but I should get back to cleaning/unpacking.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How far is that from San Fran? Perhaps I can crash there or you can visit for a weekend if its far?

  2. eve_wyoming says:

    it can be as much as 6 hours, but still. pish posh.

    ikea is the BEST! i love going there, even just to walk around and look at the fake rooms they’ve decorated. santa monica is fantabulous too! next time i’m in cali, i’m so coming to see your new and beautiful apartment :D

    keep having fun alan!

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