Go make someone’s day!

Over the weekend, I had a friend tell me (mostly) out of the blue how much he admired my honesty and forthrightness. I never expected anyone to say something like that, and it totally made my day week. The world would probably be a better place if we all said things like that, and complimented people on things they never hear about but which you really appreciate. It would be neat if you all found someone and praised them in this way.

I’m not fishing for compliments; my week has already been made. Go find someone else.

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  1. Random compliments are one of the best things.

  2. psifer says:

    Hear hear

    Hey, remember how you were teaching me how to play Risk and even though you were technically an opponent, you’d still walk me through the probabilities and expected values of my options and question the moronic move I was about to make? That was cool of you.

    p.s. your birthday is the same as my little bro’s.

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