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(adapted from the April 2 Sunday Puzzle on NPR)
How many words can you make with the letters in PYTHAGOREAN? To make this more interesting, each word must also be at least 5 letters long.
My word list is in the first comment. and no matter how many times I try them, neither HARANGUE nor NEOPHYTE can be made with those letters. :-P
agora, agorae, anger, angry, apathy, argon, entropy, goner, grant, grape, graph, grate, great, groan, groaner, groat, gyrate, harpy, hater, heart, horny, hungry, north, ochre, orange, organ, ornate, ornery, pantry, parent, party, phone, prone, pythagorean, python, range, rehang, targe, thorn, thorny, throne, throng
After reading the answer to the actual puzzle, I realize I missed HEPTAGON.
You got a heck of a lot more than I did, but I also had garnet, prate, earth, gothy, prego, and opeth. The last three probably don’t count as actual English words, though. :p
and I also missed HORNET, PRONG, TENOR, and GROPE, come to think of it.
Whoops! It looks like GROANER and ORNERY both need an extra R in them.