Posts tagged ‘fortran’

Well, the 2nd graphics card I got for the new monitor isn’t as great as I had hoped. I can see why the CS department was throwing it out. So this evening, I bought a new one, that should suit my purposes quite well. It’s a GeForce 2, so it’s by no means a bad card, though it’s far from good. But I’m not a high-end gamer, so I’m happy with it. It should arrive Monday-ish, and then I’ll finally have both monitors running at good resolution.

The 4th of July passed fairly uneventfully this year – there were fireworks in the evening, and that was fun, but not much else happened. I’m still slowly moving into the double. about half of the posters/other art is up, and almost all the big things are moved in. It’s really nice that I don’t have to move it all over 1 day, and that I can spread it out over a month. It’ll get done eventually.

Work has turned frustrating once again. I need to write 4 more FORTRAN subroutines, but these aren’t documented in the user manual (they’re mentioned in passing in a table). I have a sample file of what they might look like, but the comments are written in German. BabelFish has helped a bit, but not much, as it doesn’t do technical mathy words. And Prof. DePillis was out of the office, so I couldn’t ask her for help. Hopefully tomorrow. *sigh*…