and I’m off!

In about 15 hours, I’m getting on a plane to go to Las Vegas for DEFCON! After it is over, I’m driving to LA with some former Mudders, and getting a new life. The next time I update this journal, I should have a new address, a new cell phone (my first ever! the last of the cell-less ranks are falling, my friends), and possibly a new car. To keep you entertained in the meantime, go watch what I think is the greatest animutation ever (click the “watch this movie” link).

Until we meet again…

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  1. sneaselcouth says:

    Yeah, where are you once you settle in Cali? I forgot where you are going to Grad School. Is it Stanford? We should hang out, if possible, at least now and then, as I will be living iN San Fran from at least 9 months. I know Cali is big, so we may not get to see much of one another, depending on where you are, but maybe more than we see now, eh?

    • Alan says:

      I’ll be working full-time in Southern California, which is far enough away from Northern California to be considered a separate state. However, I plan on taking a weekend trip and visiting you and Emily in a couple months!

  2. fireshadowed says:

    I definitely like having a cell phone. I hope you are having fun right now :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Haha, the animutation rocks my world. It’s the first one I’ve seen in Dutch! How fabulous. ~Natalie

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