UN vs. American torture

The UN is getting pretty upset with all of the USA’s torture and human rights violations. There have been many complaints over the years, but this one is pretty serious. However, I can’t think of a way to easily resolve this sort of thing. The reasonable people of the world say that this violates US law, the Geneva Conventions, the Convention Against Torture treaty, etc. However, the people in charge of Guantanamo Bay and other US international prisons disagree and do not intend to change their ways. Is there any course of action to stop them outside of war/revolution/assassination? To the best of my knowledge, there’s nothing the UN can do besides whine a bunch, and there’s nothing the US citizens can do besides protest a lot. This administration has already shown that it will not listen to either of the above methods of lobbying. Any thoughts on what else we can do?

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Win in 2006 which will allow for impeachment.

  2. sneaselcouth says:

    “…he would like to shut down Guantanamo eventually, but was not yet able to do so because the country remains at war with terrorists.”

    I hate statements like this. We remain at war with terrorists? What? That isn’t a war. Grrr….

    Upsetting article

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